Sen. John Hickenlooper, Mayor Michael Hancock serve lunch to youth experiencing homelessness at Urban Peak

Elected leaders joined Urban Peak today to provide a hot meal for youth ages 15 through 24 who are experiencing homelessness.

U.S. Senator John Hickenlooper and Denver Mayor Michael Hancock joined with staff and board members from Urban Peak to serve a hot meal to area youth ages 15 through 24 who are currently experiencing homelessness.

Sen. Hickenlooper and Mayor Hancock also toured The Spot, Urban Peak’s combined drop-in center and shelter that provide a safe and stable space for youth to access services and receive three hot meals every day.

Urban Peak CEO Christina Carlson also shared plans for the Mothership, a catalytic new campus at the former site of Urban Peak’s youth shelter that will provide integrated services like case management, medical and mental health care as well as education and employment services. Youth also will be able to access graduated, apartment-style housing, all on the same campus.

"Serving meals to those less fortunate this time of year is as much a part of our Thanksgiving as turkey,” said Sen. Hickenlooper. “I am thankful Urban Peak is here to help out during what can be a tough time of year for many."

“The holidays are a tough time for many, so it’s important that we can take these moments to come together in service to those who many need a little bit of help, so they know that they matter to all of us,” said Mayor Hancock. “I’m especially thankful that we have organizations like Urban Peak in our community who are ready and willing to step forward and serve our youth experiencing homelessness all year long.”

“It means a great deal for our youth to have leaders like Sen. Hickenlooper and Mayor Hancock serving lunch the day before Thanksgiving,” said Urban Peak CEO Christina Carlson. “People experiencing homelessness often feel invisible, and that is even more true for youth. Sharing a meal with a senator or a mayor and sharing a little of their individual stories reminds youth that they are valuable members of our community and that they have the potential to exit homelessness and live fulfilled lives.”

Urban Peak is open to youth every day of the year, including Thanksgiving and throughout the holidays. By helping to prepare and serve meals, volunteers support the sustainability of Urban Peak’s programs and help youth access opportunities for self-sufficiency and success.


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Denver provides $16 million for youth homeless shelter


Urban Peak is a haven in the city for youth struggling without a roof over their heads