In-Kind Donations

PLEASE NOTE: Due to an abundance of donations from this amazing community, we are pausing all item donations for the month of February. Drop-off appointments in March are available here. Thank you for being the spark!

Urban Peak saves young lives, But we can’t do it without your support.

By making an in-kind donation, you ensure that our youths’ most basic needs are covered and readily accessible. From there, they can begin to heal their trauma, work toward their long-term goals and ultimately create a self-determined and fulfilling life.

There are two ways to support us with an item donation. You can keep it simple by ordering items most needed by our youth directly off Amazon, or you can personally drop off an item donation.

Purchase Items on Amazon

Want to keep it simple? Click below to be taken right to our shelter or housing needs wish lists on Amazon. You can easily order any item and have it shipped directly to us!

Mothership Needs Housing Needs

Make a Personal Donation

Donation drop-offs are limited and by appointment only.

To schedule a drop-off, please sign up via our Calendly. We welcome new or lightly used clothing that have been recently washed. We ask that all other donations are new.

Items we can accept

Items we cannot accept

Tax Credit for In-Kind Donations

In-kind donations valued at $5,000 or more qualify for the Homeless Contribution Tax Credit (HCTC), a 25% credit that replaced the Enterprise Zone tax credit in January 2023. Visit our HCTC page to learn more about how to receive this credit.