April Peak News
Check Off Colorado Donations
Many Colorado taxpayers have the option to make a tax-deductible charitable donation on their Colorado state income tax form. This is an easy way to support Urban Peak and youth experiencing homelessness in the metro area. To donate, simply enter the amount you’d like to give on your tax form and be sure to select Urban Peak as your beneficiary. Your donation is tax deductible. Note that changes to the tax checkoff donation process mean that only those who are receiving a state income tax refund are eligible to donate in this way. Interested in learning more? Click here.
Urban Peak's Social Emotional Coordinator, Meghan, recently ran a mindfulness program with shelter youth. Mindfulness is essentially a calm mental state that is attained by working to focus on the current moment. It is often beneficial for those who experience extreme stress or anxiety.
At the conclusion of the mindfulness practice, Meghan encouraged shelter youth and staff to think about things for which they are grateful and then recorded the answers.
Now a wonderful poster at the Shelter provides a regular reminder of all the good things youth experience and are grateful for.
Peak Spotlight
Oliver Lewis, Peak Thrift Manager, was recently featured in an article on thrift shopping by 303 Magazine! Bringing attention to the agency that low-income communities can create for themselves by saving on products at thrift stores, Oliver notes how anyone and everyone, regardless of income, can walk into Peak Thrift and purchase something they wouldn’t find anywhere else.
Due to the nature of affordable and sustainable shopping, however, people can forget that local thrift stores typically operate with small staff teams and limited resources. Consequently, community support and donations are what enable the store to succeed and give our youth the opportunity to get back on their feet with some valuable on-the-job experience in a relaxed environment.
Peak Thrift allows for products and people alike to find new life. We currently accept donations by appointment, and our donation guidelines are available here.
Partner Highlight
Denver’s Department of Housing Stability (HOST) has awarded Urban Peak with two grants totaling $1.6 million to help support programming and the Urban Peak Shelter as well as resources for our Housing and Drop-In Center. These funds come to Urban Peak at a crucial time as we continue to see increases in the number of youth experiencing homelessness in and around Denver. A recent Denverite article details how the increased investment from the city will benefit Urban Peak youth and is financed by Denver taxpayers through a recent sales tax increase specifically dedicated for supporting people experiencing homelessness.
Youth Spotlight
Vernon has been incredibly self-motivated as he works toward reaching both his education and employment goals.
He brings a polite, friendly attitude into the classroom space and has been making great strides towards his future career path in heating, ventilation, and air conditioning.
Vernon recently began a job at an extended stay hotel and was accepted into Emily Griffith Technical School for HVAC training.